Brunei Airport – boarding styles

With an airport that’s easily accessible and only 15 mins from the capital it’s no surprise we have developed a way to depart from BIA. After a couple of flights in the last couple of months I noticed these kind of flight boarders.


homescreen scene

Where Should You Go For Dinner: Brunei

to be honest I would only eat at four or at least five of the places mentioned. i had the impulse to make this which is strange cause i made the other graphic for lunch around this time last year. i used illustrator for this and i am glad i did! hope this helps someone out there! 

Kueh Raya Brunei

Kueh Raya Brunei. Made this graphic with also some help from @_AidaDin @29oaml @jakeiskandarr @iqahafiqah @EmahDarul @YOKOstclaire

Advertising: Women

Looking at the most recent issues of Inspire, BHC and Plus magazine what I found was that females are depicted either as mothers, or in relation to marriage. This selection may seem nit picky but in most cases males were depicted as active and single, while the females are usually placed in a home environment. Can we think of other ways of depicting females? 

Lunch Flowchart

Where should you go for lunch?

Finding out where to eat is the worst. The absolute worst! 

So, I made something to ease the process. Oh, also thank you for everyone who commented saying, my previous ‘flowchart’ wasn’t a flowchart. Hopefully this flowchart is “flowcharty”. 

[update: correct name for Bistro Chez Fio. update 2: payday sequence]

Nicest Things in Brunei: Graphic

Data from the survey: “Nicest Things in Brunei: The Ultimate Survey” Notable entries include, “none. too greedy to share. ” and “Definitely Not Ayam Penyet”

Nice Things About Brunei Survey

Data from the survey: “Nicest Things in Brunei: The Ultimate Survey”

Will try and do more with the data in the coming month!