Brunei & COVID-19: How it’s been so far
The publication of this video was delayed in respect of the first death caused by COVID-19 in Brunei. Al-Fatihah.
Video was taken in the space of three weeks in-between errands and essential travel. Please practise social distancing and maintain good hygiene practices. ⠀
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Thanks to⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Eizzad & Hannah ⠀
Scoop Media – news source⠀ ⠀
Amin Nordin IG: @amintomusic⠀
Aznniel Yunus IG: @aznniel⠀
RTB News – news source @rtbnews⠀
Syazwina Sarah TW: @winasrh⠀
Syafiq Redzali IG: @syfqredz⠀
Qaachie Tiktok: @Qaachie⠀
The Mall Cineplex IG: @themallcineplex⠀ ⠀ ⠀
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[Information is up to date as of March 29th 2020] ⠀ ⠀
Thank you to all the medical frontliners, military personnel and volunteers.
Donate to the relief fund. ⠀ ⠀
BIBD Account Name: COVID – 19 ⠀
Relief Fund Type of Account: Current Account ⠀
Account Number: 1010070123 ⠀ ⠀
The Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports is calling for volunteers Contact: 8913762 IG: @kbs_brunei⠀ ⠀
Food package donations can also be made to @scot_brunei Social Kitchen. ⠀ ⠀